Dr. Matt Nolan

Water and Environmental Research Center

Institute of Northern Engineering
University of Alaska Fairbanks


Dr. Matt Nolan Home

McCall Glacier Home

Location and Background

Field Campaigns



Other ANWR Glaciers





Follow the links below to learn more specifics about our measurements and access some of our data collected thus far. These pages are not meant to be exhaustive or entirely accurate, but rather to give collaborators and other interested persons some sense of what type of data we have and where it is located on the glacier. To see the locations of these data in 3D, please visit www.earthslot.org, and select follow the links to McCall Glacier in the "Fly Now!" page.

Weather stations
- JJMC - our main on-ice station
- AHAB - our main off-ice station
- CORE - located in the accumulation area at an ice core site
- TC139m - located at the site of a future ice core
- Hobos - air temperature sensors sprinkled around the glacier
- Microloggers - combined air/ice temperature stations

Mass balance and survey stakes
- Data from our stake network can be found here.

(c) 2003 Matt Nolan. If you find any broken links or other errors, please let me know. Thanks.