TC139m Program
Note: This program is the same as the JJMC
East (or west) program
; Location: McCall Glacier, about
; 200 m west of JJMC
; Station: JJMCWEST
; (c) 2003 Matt Nolan
; Written: 01 May 04, based largely
; on the AHAB code
; Modifications:
; Table 1:Instruments on CR10x directly
*Table 1 Program
01: 900 Execution Interval (seconds)
; Basic data logger statistics
;Battery voltage
1: Batt Voltage (P10)
1: 1 Loc [ BattVolt ]
;Internal logger temp
2: Internal Temperature (P17)
1: 2 Loc [ LogTemp ]
; Sonic ranger SR50
3: SDI-12 Recorder (P105)
1: 0 SDI-12 Address
2: 0 Start Measurement (aM0!)
3: 1 Port
4: 4 Loc [ Sonic_m ]
5: 1.0 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset
; Check Net Radiometer
; units: watts per meter squared
4: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 24 250 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range
3: 1 DIFF Channel
4: 3 Loc [ NetRad ]
5: 1.0 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset
; Write out Table 1 instruments
;Output frequency is once per hour
5: If time is (P92)
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 60 Interval (same units as above)
3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
6: Real Time (P77)
1: 1220 Year,Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 2400) ;
;Average the past hour's panel temp
and battery voltage
7: Average (P71)
1: 2 Reps
2: 1 Loc [ BattVolt ]
;sonic (uncorrected for air temp)
8: Average (P71)
1: 1 Reps
2: 4 Loc [ Sonic_m ]
;output average ned rad
9: Average (P71)
1: 1 Reps
2: 3 Loc [ NetRad ]
10: Serial Out (P96)
1: 71 SM192/SM716/CSM1
*Table 2 Program
02: 0 Execution Interval (seconds)
*Table 3 Subroutines
End Program
-Input Locations-
1 BattVolt 1 1 1
2 LogTemp 1 1 1
3 NetRad 1 1 1
4 Sonic_m 1 1 1
5 _________ 0 0 0
6 _________ 0 0 0
7 _________ 0 0 0
8 _________ 0 0 0
9 _________ 0 0 0
10 _________ 0 0 0
11 _________ 0 0 0
12 _________ 0 0 0
13 _________ 0 0 0
14 _________ 0 0 0
15 _________ 0 0 0
16 _________ 0 0 0
17 _________ 0 0 0
18 _________ 0 0 0
19 _________ 0 0 0
20 _________ 0 0 0
21 _________ 0 0 0
22 _________ 0 0 0
23 _________ 0 0 0
24 _________ 0 0 0
25 _________ 0 0 0
26 _________ 0 0 0
27 _________ 0 0 0
28 _________ 0 0 0
-Program Security-
-Mode 4-
-Final Storage Area 2-
-CR10X ID-
-CR10X Power Up-