This program was installed at the AHAB
weather station on McCall Glacier in August 2003.
AHAB_B.CSI Listing
(NOTE: Port 6 commands
for the radio were changed to Port 8 in the field using the keypad; these
changes are not present here):
; McCall Glacier Main Met Station,
; located at about 2150 m near camp
; Station: MC2150
; (c) 2003 Matt Nolan
; Written:
; 12 May 03
; Modifications:
; Table 1:Instruments on CR10x directly
*Table 1 Program
01: 5 Execution Interval (seconds)
; Basic data logger statistics
;Battery voltage
1: Batt Voltage (P10)
1: 1 Loc [ BattVolt ]
;Internal logger temp
2: Internal Temperature (P17)
1: 2 Loc [ LogTemp ]
; Check Air Temp/RH at 3 meters
; Both 1m and 3m are single ended measurements,
; to leave room for Net Rad and Barometer
;Set control port 1 high
3: Do (P86)
1: 44 Set Port 4 High
; Let instrument warm up
4: Excitation with Delay (P22)
1: 1 Ex Channel
2: 0 Delay W/Ex (units = 0.01 sec)
3: 15 Delay After Ex (units = 0.01 sec)
4: 0 mV Excitation
;Temp at 3m
5: Volt (SE) (P1)
1: 1 Reps
2: 5 2500 mV Slow Range
3: 5 SE Channel
4: 5 Loc [ AT_1m ]
5: .1 Mult
6: -40 Offset
;RH at 3m
6: Volt (SE) (P1)
1: 1 Reps
2: 5 2500 mV Slow Range
3: 6 SE Channel
4: 6 Loc [ RH_1m ]
5: .1 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset
7: Do (P86)
1: 54 Set Port 4 Low
; Check Air Temp/RH at 1 meters
;Set control port 4 high
8: Do (P86)
1: 44 Set Port 4 High
; Let instrument warm up
9: Excitation with Delay (P22)
1: 1 Ex Channel
2: 0 Delay W/Ex (units = 0.01 sec)
3: 15 Delay After Ex (units = 0.01 sec)
4: 0 mV Excitation
;Temp at 1m
10: Volt (SE) (P1)
1: 1 Reps
2: 5 2500 mV Slow Range
3: 7 SE Channel
4: 3 Loc [ AT_3m ]
5: .1 Mult
6: -40 Offset
;RH at 1m
11: Volt (SE) (P1)
1: 1 Reps
2: 5 2500 mV Slow Range
3: 8 SE Channel
4: 4 Loc [ RH_3m ]
5: .1 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset
12: Do (P86)
1: 54 Set Port 4 Low
; Check Wind speed and dir.
13: Pulse (P3)
1: 1 Reps
2: 2 Pulse Channel 2
3: 22 Switch Closure, Output Hz
4: 7 Loc [ WindSpeed ]
5: .799 Mult
6: .2811 Offset
14: If (X<=>F) (P89)
1: 7 X Loc [ WindSpeed ]
2: 1 =
3: .2811 F
4: 30 Then Do
15: Z=F (P30)
1: 0.0 F
2: 00 Exponent of 10
3: 7 Z Loc [ WindSpeed ]
16: End (P95)
17: AC Half Bridge (P5)
1: 1 Reps
2: 25 2500 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range
3: 4 SE Channel
4: 2 Excite all reps w/Exchan 2
5: 2500 mV Excitation
6: 8 Loc [ WindDir ]
7: 720 Mult
8: 0.0 Offset
; Check Tipping Bucket Rain Gage
18: Pulse (P3)
1: 1 Reps
2: 1 Pulse Channel 1
3: 2 Switch Closure, All Counts
4: 9 Loc [ TipBucket ]
5: 1 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset
; Check Net Radiometer
;Measure the net rad and apply wind corrections
;using subroutines
; units: watts per meter squared
19: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 24 250 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range
3: 5 DIFF Channel
4: 10 Loc [ NetRad ]
5: 1.0 Mult
6: 0.0 Offset
;apply static wind speed correction
20: If (X<=>F) (P89)
1: 10 X Loc [ NetRad ]
2: 3 >=
3: 0.0 F
4: 30 Then Do
;positive multiplier
21: Z=X*F (P37)
1: 10 X Loc [ NetRad ]
2: 9.42 F
3: 11 Z Loc [ NetRad_W ]
22: Z=X*F (P37)
1: 11 X Loc [ NetRad_W ]
2: 1.045 F
3: 11 Z Loc [ NetRad_W ]
23: Else (P94)
;negative multiplier
24: Z=X*F (P37)
1: 10 X Loc [ NetRad ]
2: 11.74 F
3: 11 Z Loc [ NetRad_W ]
25: End (P95)
; Check Barometric pressure
;warm up barometer 1 minute before measure
26: If time is (P92)
1: 59 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 60 Interval (same units as above)
3: 46 Set Port 6 High
;measure at top of hour
27: If time is (P92)
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 60 Interval (same units as above)
3: 30 Then Do
;measure pressure in mb
28: Volt (SE) (P1)
1: 1 Reps
2: 25 2500 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range
3: 11 SE Channel
4: 12 Loc [ BaroPress ]
5: .184 Mult
6: 600 Offset
;disable barometer
29: Do (P86)
1: 56 Set Port 6 Low
30: End (P95)
; Write out Table 1 instruments
;Output frequency is once per hour
31: If time is (P92)
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 60 Interval (same units as above)
3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
32: Real Time (P77)
1: 1220 Year,Day,Hour/Minute (midnight = 2400) ;
;Average the past hour's panel temp
and battery voltage
33: Average (P71)
1: 2 Reps
2: 1 Loc [ BattVolt ]
;Average both HMP45C readings (AT3m,RH3m,AT1m,RH1m)
34: Average (P71)
1: 4 Reps
2: 3 Loc [ AT_3m ]
;Use the stock command for 'averaging'
wind data
;using speed in meters per second
35: Wind Vector (P69)
1: 1 Reps
2: 60 Samples per Sub-Interval
3: 0 S, é1, & å(é1) Polar
4: 7 Wind Speed/East Loc [ WindSpeed ]
5: 8 Wind Direction/North Loc [ WindDir ]
;output just maximum wind speed in
miles per hour
36: Maximum (P73)
1: 1 Reps
2: 00 Time Option
3: 7 Loc [ WindSpeed ]
;output average precip
37: Totalize (P72)
1: 1 Reps
2: 9 Loc [ TipBucket ]
;output average ned rad
38: Average (P71)
1: 1 Reps
2: 10 Loc [ NetRad ]
;output average ned rad with wind correction
39: Average (P71)
1: 1 Reps
2: 11 Loc [ NetRad_W ]
;output average barometric pressure
40: Average (P71)
1: 1 Reps
2: 12 Loc [ BaroPress ]
41: Serial Out (P96)
1: 71 SM192/SM716/CSM1
; radio switched 12V
42: Set Port(s) (P20)
1: 9979 C8..C5 = nc/nc/output/nc
2: 9999 C4..C1 = nc/nc/nc/nc
43: If time is (P92)
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 60 Interval (same units as above)
3: 30 Then Do
44: If (X<=>F) (P89)
1: 1 X Loc [ BattVolt ]
2: 4 <
3: 12.20 F
4: 21 Set Flag 1 Low
45: If (X<=>F) (P89)
1: 1 X Loc [ BattVolt ]
2: 3 >=
3: 12.1 F
4: 46 Set Port 6 High
46: End (P95)
47: If time is (P92)
1: 720 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 1440 Interval (same units as above)
3: 46 Set Port 6 High
48: If Flag/Port (P91)
1: 21 Do if Flag 1 is Low
2: 30 Then Do
49: If time is (P92)
1: 10 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 60 Interval (same units as above)
3: 56 Set Port 6 Low
50: End (P95)
*Table 2 Program
02: 0 Execution Interval (seconds)
*Table 3 Subroutines
End Program
-Input Locations-
1 BattVolt 1 3 1
2 LogTemp 1 1 1
3 AT_3m 1 1 1
4 RH_3m 1 1 1
5 AT_1m 1 1 1
6 RH_1m 1 1 1
7 WindSpeed 1 3 2
8 WindDir 1 1 1
9 TipBucket 1 1 1
10 NetRad 1 4 1
11 NetRad_W 1 2 3
12 BaroPress 1 1 1
13 Sonic_m 1 0 0
14 AT_3m_K 1 0 0
15 RefTemp_K 1 0 0
16 SR_mult 1 0 0
17 SoilT_0 1 0 0
18 SoilT_1 1 0 0
19 SoilT_2 1 0 0
20 SoilT_3 1 0 0
21 SoilT_4 1 0 0
22 SoilT_5 1 0 0
23 SoilT_6 1 0 0
24 SoilT_7 1 0 0
25 SoilT_8 1 0 0
26 SoilT_9 1 0 0
27 SoilT_10 1 0 0
28 SoilT_11 1 0 0
29 SoilT_12 1 0 0
30 SoilT_13 1 0 0
31 SoilT_15 1 0 0
32 SoilT_16 1 0 0
33 SoilT_17 1 0 0
34 SoilT_18 1 0 0
35 SoilT_19 1 0 0
36 SoilT_20 1 0 0
37 SoilT_21 1 0 0
38 SoilT_22 1 0 0
39 SoilT_23 1 0 0
40 SoilT_24 1 0 0
41 SoilT_25 1 0 0
42 SoilT_26 1 0 0
43 c615per_1 1 0 0
44 _________ 0 0 0
45 _________ 0 0 0
46 _________ 0 0 0
47 c615h20_1 1 1 0
48 c615h20_2 1 1 0
49 c615h20_3 1 1 0
50 c615h20_4 1 0 0
-Program Security-
-Mode 4-
-Final Storage Area 2-
-CR10X ID-
-CR10X Power Up-