Matt and Kristin's Wedding






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Rather than just have a wedding, we chose to have a retreat with our family and friends. Talkeetna is a great place for this because there is plenty to do there, but without the distractions of city life (pop. 400).

Here is the schedule of events we have planned from Wednesday September 18 to Monday September 23.

Before Wednesday We'll be at home in Fairbanks -- feel free to visit.
Wednesday We travel to Talkeetna
Thursday AM

Group events

Thursday PM Bachelor and Bacherlorette Parties in Talkeetna
Friday AM Group events
Friday PM Pre-wedding celebration
Saturday 2PM Wedding on the deck
Saturday 3PM Cocktails, photos, mingling, etc.
Saturday 5PM

Reception dinner

Saturday PM Dancing, drinking, hot tubbing, ...
Sunday Noon

Post-wedding celebration

Sunday 2PM

We travel back to Fairbanks

Monday Noon Lunch and tour at Calypso Farms
After Monday We'll be at home in Fairbanks -- feel free to visit.